Our Magazines

At Simar Ibiza, we understand that every magazine is an opportunity to tell a brand’s story in a way that resonates with its audience.

Our notable publications include:


a go-to print media for summer in Ibiza

Nativ Magazine

Nativ was launched in 2019 and has quickly become Ibiza’s #1 print publication for the summer season.

The magazine is visible throughout the island during the peak season and offers readers insight into the island’s culture, eco-consciousness, food, health, music, and the vibrant people of Ibiza. Nativ has solidified itself as the go-to print media for summer in Ibiza.

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Corporate lifestyle magazine

Palladium Magazine

A corporate lifestyle magazine for Palladium Hotel Group, Palladium Magazine reaches 14,000 rooms worldwide and reflects the diversity of the Palladium Group’s clientele. This publication offers a curated selection of articles on lifestyle, travel, and the group’s offerings.

Premium content and design

Palladium Travel Club

An exclusive publication for the elite members of Palladium Travel Club. With premium content and design, this magazine is a direct line to Palladium’s most loyal clientele, offering insider tips, travel recommendations, and exclusive offers.

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